Making money while you sleep is possible when you


For Founders, Coaches, & Creative Entrepreneurs

I haven’t hacked your online journal, but I have a pretty good idea what you want to achieve this next quarter:

  • A thriving list of beating hearts with hands raised high, eager to hear more 
  • An engaged audience excited to open your emails the same day it arrives
  • People salivating with piqued interest, ready to smash the “buy” button
  • And of course… MORE LEADS & SALES!


For that to happen, though, it’s going to take more than wishing, dreaming, or manifesting it from the pages of your journal. 

You need an email strategy.

But here’s the thing…

Doing it all yourself does NOT = more money in your Levi's.

What if you could:

  • Have more time for *GASP* interests outside of work
  • Get some actual sunlight on your face instead of supplementing with vitamin D
  • Bring on an email specialist who lives and breathes email like its high-test oxygen…

…and still see an increase in your bottom line. 

Sound too good to be true? 

It’s possible if you shore up the missing piece to your business puzzle. 

But before I get to that, I need to know this first…

Are you in the top 60% or the bottom 40%?

With over 4 billion people using email every day, it remains one of the most cost-effective strategies to communicate with your audience.  

But a surprising 40% of businesses send email less than once a week.

More than three-quarters of businesses reported an increase in email engagement in 2022. And 60% of those surveyed are sending a minimum of one email per week. That means there’s a clear correlation between emailing your list more frequently and getting more engagement from them.

You know what engagement means… more sales, repeat customers, and overall happiness with your brand. 

So stop thinking that sending more emails is bugging them!

But here’s the thing…

Don’t confuse random irrelevant broadcasts with quality, engageable content.

Subscriber segmentation is the distinguishing factor here. That means content specific to the needs or concerns of different interests of those people in your list.

Now consider this: there’s natural list decay of around 22% every year. 

So if you aren’t attending to the full ecosystem of:

  • filling your list with leads,
  • nurturing them into paying customers, and
  • educating them (maybe even entertain them,

…then you’ve got a leaky pipeline.

And working more won’t necessarily make up for that loss.

Let me shine a spotlight on that elephant in the room…

Is email an untapped resource in your business?

You already know it has the potential to:

  • Build relationships for know, like, and trust
  • Bust objections in a non-threatening environment
  • Nurture leads into paying customers
  • Auto-magically deliver when your customer is ready, whatever time zone they’re in
  • Retain, educate, and entertain


Then why aren’t you pulling out all the stops and making that a priority in your business? 

According to Campaign Monitor, the highest marketing ROI comes from email as compared to social, paid ads, or even affiliate marketing. 

That means there’s a potential to earn $38-$42 for every dollar you spend on email marketing.

And since email is 40x better at acquiring customers than Facebook or Twitter, it’s time to put your attention into a platform that YOU have control over.

However, if you don’t have the time / patience / creativity / bandwidth to put that kind of attention into your list, listen up…

No worries. I’ve got your back.



Results Multiplier Audit

A PDQ copywriting service so you can optimize your email campaign fast. 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting into email marketing, an email audit is the ultimate confidence & conversion booster for your campaigns. 

Rest easy knowing that your emails are beyond functional (anyone can do that). Yours will be enticing and steeped in strategy so you can get the conversion numbers you’ve set your eyes on. Let’s optimize the heck out of your email sequence so it’s not leaking customers revenue massive opportunity.


  • You want an email audit in your hands pretty darn quick. 
  • You’ve written an email sequence that you feel pretty good about, but before it goes live you want it the best possible
  • You have an evergreen sequence that’s been live for a while but wonder how to wring even more conversions from it
  • You need the best practices for what’s working now without spending all weekend down a search engine rabbit hole

Bring your welcome sequence, lead generation emails, sales emails, webinar sequence, affiliate swipe copy, and so on… and let’s get it performing at peak.

Book in the next available spot at $444

5 emails passed through a multi-point proprietary process


Video analysis & checklist


In your hands within 7 days


Follow-up questions answered for one week post delivery


Evergreen Mogul Maker

A done-for-you copywriting service that combines strategy with your voice so you can serve your audience at scale.

Picture this: the air is buzzing with excitement and your name is about to be featured center stage all across the internet, from socials to podcasts, and BOOM–your email service provider is flooded with people excitedly waving their hands asking to be part of your world. You’ll be ready with evergreen sequences that meet them exactly where they’re at and nurture them into loyal, paying customers (no matter what day of the year it is).

Stop scrambling at the last minute to get something in place (or worse, repurposing something you already have that’ll kinda work). Embrace your online business and work at scale so you can reclaim time freedom–and yes, make money while you sleep. 


  • You need automations that work overtime (so you don’t have to) for months, even years
  • You want to build know, like, and trust with your audience so you can present your offers at the right time
  • You want sequences that segment your audience by interest so you can dial in your offers
  • You’re looking for ecommerce flows, welcome/indoctrination sequences, webinar flows, cart abandonment sequences, re-engagement sequences, and other evergreen sequences for lead-gen or sales

Enjoy the results of serving at scale and reap the rewards of a big business–but without all the staffing headaches.

Custom quote for your project starting at $1500

Audience/niche research


5+ emails


Tagging / segmentation ideas



Loaded into your ESP

*If you’re looking for a full funnel including ad copy, landing pages, sales pages, etc., contact me for the details. I’d be happy to put together a custom quote for your specific needs.


Business Building Engagement

A done-for-you strategy & copywriting service where you hand off regular communications with your audience so you can double down and do more of what you love.

Hundreds of emails are landing in your ideal customer’s inbox every day. But a huge chunk of them get covered in pixel dust after being scrolled over or getting deleted without ever being opened. What if you could get clickable emails that your audience actually wants to read as soon as it hits their inbox?  

Let’s channel your unique voice into attention grabbing emails your audience can’t wait to devour. 

You call the shots with this one. Depending on what you have coming up on offer, we strategize, plan the content, work toward those CTAs, and use stories to make opening your emails irresistible.


  • You don’t have time to write to your list every week (even though you know that’s leaving money on the table) 
  • You struggle to weave your stories into bingeable content with great calls to action 
  • You’re more a big idea person and would love someone to take your stories and create marketing around them
  • You’re too close and can’t tell what’s a good story and what’s self-indulgent

You’ve earned a coveted space in the inbox. Make it worth their while.

Custom quote starting at $1200 per month

You get:

Monthly Zoom meeting to strategize, plan, and gather content

Minimum one email per week

Copy delivered & shared via Google Docs 

Two rounds of revisions



Loaded into your ESP

Record opens and 9x ROI

Get words working overtime for your business
(so you don’t have to)

Here’s how it works



We hop on a discovery call, talk about your business, and drill into specifics of what you want to achieve. If our timeframes gel, I’ll craft a strategy to make it come alive and send through a proposal for your approval.


Research & Write

Spidey senses on alert, I research what your audience needs to hear and refine the strategy. Then I start writing using proven strategies, techniques, and wireframes.



Your custom copy is delivered on time and I’ll walk you through the Google doc. I write so that it sounds like you–but you after 9 hrs of uninterrupted sleep and a green smoothie for breakfast


You could continue to prioritize other things in your business other than your list, throw it to the side for when you have enough energy to tackle the writing yourself… 

…throwing in whatever strategy or template the latest online guru is promoting and hope that something will stick…

But hold up a sec!

Did you consider this…

Just like your retirement account, an investment in your email marketing today delivers a return on investment for years.

Email sequences build and nurture your list from whatever stage they’re at so they’re primed to take you up on your services once they feel confident that they’re more than just a number.

Done-for-you email marketing is an investment in your business, your sanity, and supports the community you’ve worked hard to build. Each of my services is tailored precisely to your business, your audience, and how you are uniquely equipped to help them solve their problems. 

Your audience wants a fantastic life. 

You have the solution to their struggles. 

When you don’t tell people how you help, you’re robbing them of their dream. 

So why are you holding back?

Payment plans available.

She nailed it! It’s the copy I wish I had written!  With words that sound like me and fit my brand, but with very clear persuasive messaging that hit my audience’s pain points and showed how my item solves their problem. So now I feel really good that I’m putting my best foot forward for my business.”


Ready to get words
working harder for your business?

Let’s hop on a no-obligation call and chat about your project.

Who am I to be writing your words?

I’m a curious INFJ / Projector / empath who’s doubled down on email because it’s arguably the most personal way to make a connection on the internet today.

I’m passionate about writing for conversion in a compassionate way so the audience doesn’t feel the need to de-slime afterwards. Bro-marketing or heavy-handed pressurized sales are not in my toolkit.

What I DO believe in is making sure people know what’s available to them so they can make the best choices available. Because aren’t we all done with being told what to do and how to think?

I believe there’s room for empathy & compassion in modern marketing–while still earning great returns. 

To me, modern marketing means making your audience fully aware of how you can help them, not guilting them into purchasing something they don’t need. 

I’ve seen too many creatives, coaches, and online entrepreneurs hold back on getting the word out on their business. 

They’re either afraid to bother people, sound braggadocious, or are too time-crunched to create original engaging content. Repurposing has its place, but your email list is not it.

And that’s why I specialize in email marketing and learned from the best, including Laura Belgray, Chris Orzechowski, Sam Woods, and Joanna Wiebe of Copyhackers.


Ready for some email shazam in your biz? ⚡

My services are a great fit for coaches, creative entrepreneurs, and business owners who find it challenging to write for themselves.

Will you be next?

If you’ve gotten this far down the page and are still wondering…

You have a particular voice and I love it! If you already have a brand voice guide, please share that with me so I can write the best copy for you possible. But if you don’t, I’ll take what you’ve already written yourself (blogs, emails, content) and analyze it for nuances particular to you so I can duplicate it. Don’t worry, you won’t be stuck with copy that doesn’t sound like you. There will be multiple opportunities for feedback to ensure the words are like you wrote ’em yourself.

I love that you understand copywriting is an investment in your biz. You realize that it takes great marketing to cut through the noise and attract your ideal customer, so we can get started with a partial payment. The final copy will be delivered as soon as your invoice is paid in full. Take the time you need, just know that I cannot release your final documents and copyrights until paid in full. Sound fair?

I have hat-tip respect for entrepreneurs making a difference. Let’s hop on a complimentary discovery call so we can get a sense if we’re suited to working together. I do not offer refunds, but if you change your mind before a project starts, I’d be happy to transfer your deposit to another writing project as long as we can complete it in the next 8 months.

I’m an INFJ that reads energy and senses intention (and laughs a lot). In Human Design, I’m a Projector which literally means I’m internally driven to help you and your business max its potential. Bridging the gap between what you want to say and what your audience needs to hear is my happy place. And purpose-driven business owners that make a positive impact in the world make my heart swoon. Seriously, that fills my cup.

No worries, just book a complimentary call and ask away. I’d love the opportunity to collaborate on your copy project, but there’s no obligation to work with me at all. And if I can’t help you, I have an extensive network and may be able to point you towards someone who might be a better fit.

When you’re ready...

Pour some heart-pounding words into your marketing and stop trying to please a heart-less algorithm. 

Get a thoughtful, targeted email strategy that brings in money while you sleep.